Tallest Towers in the West

June 2023 - Blanchard, ND #17-2023




Driving on the backroads of eastern North Dakota, you can see many interesting things. There are the fields and fields of corn and beans growing. Water in lakes, ponds, and wetlands are around each corner. There are enormous trees along fence lines that are all leaning the same direction from the strong winds. Piles of enormous rocks gathered here and there, which I know would bring back memories for my brothers and sisters, and not necessarily in a good way. There are old farm buildings, some obviously still in use, while others appear forgotten.

You will also find the some of the tallest structures in the world here. The KRDK TV mast is currently the sixth tallest structure in the world, and the second tallest in the western hemisphere. Within just a few miles you will also find the KVLY TV mast, which was the tallest structure in the world for many years until it was finally surpassed by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, and then it’s top antenna was removed. Even on a a hazy day like today, both can be seen from miles away and are very impressive structures , even more when up close.